Sunday 27 July 2008

Up and Running

Now that i have my shed up, it saves me having to put all my tools into my boot every time i want to go to my plot.

The raised beds that i erected at the beginning of the year have proved to be successful.

I have noticed that the beds drain well, too well for some veg like beans, cougettes and sweetcorn. Next season i will have to add more compost and straw to these beds to retain moisture. I will forward my crops at a later date.

Tuesday 18 March 2008

first seedlings of the year

The forst seedling of the year are up. They are brigadier cabbage and have planted them by the moon to see if they are different than all my other years where i dont have much success growing cabbage from seed for what ever reason.

Sunday 2 March 2008

four more to go

Iwent up the lottie to errect two more of the raised beds and to check how the other ones had settled. The new scaffolding boards seem newer than the last, easier to cut and errect

I now have a total of six beds in place and only four more to go. Weather permitting, i will have the other four in situ within a week. Once done i will have to source some top soil and compost before planting starts in ernest.

Wednesday 20 February 2008

My favourite spuds

These are my favourite first early spuds nicely chitting on my windowsill. The ones i grow are Foremost and Homeguard. They are both very easy to grow, give good yields and are very nice in taste.

Above left are my maincrop spuds. They also give good yields and are a good alrounder in the kitchen. If the weather is favourable the first earlys will go in to the middle of March and the maincrop to the end of March.

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Raised beds

At last, a restbite in the weather allowed me dig over the plot and fit in the first raised bed.

Only ten more to go.